Monday, June 15, 2009

a strange little test!

...that believe it or not, I learned a lot from!

I took a simple movement of the body that I understand, and tried three different types of spacing. each test has the same timing, but different spacing.

1st test- favors the extremes (hips to one side), no ease coming out or going into the extremes.
--9 frames at each side extreme, 4 frames to transition to the other side

2nd test- totally 'smooth' spacing with short eases on the extremes (flat tangents). this one spends as much time in the center of the movement as it does near the extremes.
--constant movement, never stops or pauses, perfect sine waves

3rd test- more time is spent at the extremes, very little in the center of the movement. this test uses long 'drifts' around the extremes. this produces snappy action without being harsh. I would say this is the winner and most natural spacing for this type of movement of the body...except for belly dancers, who would hit the extremes much harder ;o)
--7 frames around each extreme that slowly drift into, then out of the extreme, 5 frames of fast transition in the middle of the movement

the 3rd test gives the best illusion of muscles and weight. it's snappy enough to be appealing and not be swimmy, and smooth enough to show some weight and the stretchiness of muscle.

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